Love · Uplifting


There once was a time when I hated myself. For who I was and for how I looked like.

I will admit, I had a low self-esteem. I didn’t believe in myself and I had no motivation at all to get up for school. I always felt that people didn’t want to interact with me and I got my heart broken which just plummeted me under the ground for quite some time. I thought it was in love, but that’s another story.

I always depended on other people to show me I was important which was a horrible mistake of mine.

But one day, I saw myself in a new light. It was as if a siren went off in my head and this feeling of power filled me.

I realized that I was beautiful even with my flaws. I realized that I’m good with or without people in my life. You wish to exit my life and never return? Go ahead, there’s the door to your left, what’s stopping you? Because its definitely not me.

I started accepting myself even on my worst moments to the point where I knew looked amazing everyday, even on my bad days.

I stopped comparing myself to people and stopped viewing girls as competition.

I stopped letting people’s opinions get to me. You think the shirt I’m wearing looks bad on me? Too bad, I think and believe I look fabulous in it.

I know I’m the bomb. This doesn’t mean I think I’m better than anyone else oh no not that, but I am the best and if loving myself unconditionally makes me conceited, then so be it. I am conceited and I don’t regret nor am I ashamed of it at all.

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